Monday, May 5, 2008

Enough with the Jamboreeing...'s time to run. That's right fresh from our weekend of Jamboree performances Mill 6 keeps up the pace by participating in the Boston Theater Marathon. We are pleased to be taking part in our fourth marathon. This year we present Counting Rita by Patrick Gabridge. The play is directed by Barlow Adamson and features Julie Jirousek and Elaine Theodore.

The Boston Theater Marathon is an all day affair presenting 50 ten minute plays. Monies raised go to the Boston Theater Community Benevolent Fund. Come check out part of the day or stay for all 50 plays. We perform in the 5-6PM slot. This Sunday May 11, 2008 at the BCA Calderwood Pavillion.

For more info

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jamboree Opens Tonight!!

It's been a full tech week, but we're delighted to open our Tenth Anniversary Jamboree Tonight. We run this Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 8pm!