Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So Who's Riding The T?

Well the list is still being double checked and finalized, but here are a few folks who have signed up for The T plays this September. As always artists subject to change. Among the writers are several members of the playwriting group Rhombus: Carl Danielson, Pat Gabridge and Ginger Lazarus; Dan Milstein and Kristin Baker from Rough and Tumble Theater; Boston Theater Marathon playwrights Matt Chapuran and John Edward O'Brien; IRNE winner Forrest Walter; local acting favorite Rick Park and Ken Urban a reviewer for

Among the directors are IRNE nominee Barlow Adamson, Meg Taintor from Whistler in the Dark, Jeremy Johnson and Dawn Simmons both from StageSource, co-managing director Antoine A. Gagnon and more.

Several Mill 6 regulars including Irene Daly, Lonnie McAdoo and Rodney Raftery will be acting plus George Saulnier, Nathaniel Gundy, Brashani Reece, Julia Specht, Mike Bash, Kim Anton Myatt, Bonnie Duncan, Faith Imafidon, Casey Preston, Michael Jorgensen, Rachel Cummings and in the parlance of baseball several players to be named later.

It is the largest production team we have assembled and we are quite excited about what they will produce.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Congrats to Pat

A few months back Mill 6 produced Pat Gabridge's play Counting Rita for the Tenth Boston Theater Marathon. Well, we just heard that Counting Rita will be included in Best Ten-Minute Plays 2009, 2 Actors, to be published by Smith & Kraus. The book will be published next year. We wish Pat the best and are looking forward to seeing our name in print.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where the &*%@!#$ is Bunbury?

As faithful readers, you might find yourself asking...
Um...what the heck happened to Bunbury?  The show that Mill 6 was so excited about? That they performed a snippet of at their Jamboree? That they raffled off TICKets for for Pete's Sake?

And you'd be right to ask, because all that is true.  And we *will* be producing "Bunbury".

Just not this September.

How am I so sure that we will be performing it?  Two reasons:
  1. We really love it.  "Bunbury" is a fantastic, funny play that has heart and is just...*different*.
  2. We've already paid for the rights.  
So it's really a good thing we like it so much.

But due to circumstances beyond our control, we'll bring it to you in 2009 - we promise.  

In the meantime, we're thrilled to bring you The T Plays!  A way we've come up with to work with some of our favorite people.  More coming soon!